The story begins, Jumping Beandito and his band "The Beanditos", are mischievous jumping beans that eagerly tackle life's challenges. Each Beandito has its own personality and attitude. They survive by jumping from pueblo to pueblo (town). Light, noise and the warmth of your hand will cause the Beanditos to jump, roll and turn from side to side. Jumping Beandito (the leader) is an orphan who met Mean Bean, Lariat Jane and Chiquita Beandita on his way to Beandito orphanages across the burning sands of the Southwest. Each Beandito had a difficult childhood. They became the best of friends, each one contributing to the clan's survival. Their friendship and loyalty to each other lead them on amazing adventures around the mundo (world). Good fortune, health and prosperity follow them wherever they bounce. Their existence proves that no matter who you are or where you come from, you can contribute your talents to la vida (life). If you have a dream and focus on the truth, you can accomplish anything.
The journey was unbelievable. It was hot, the roads steep and treacherous, but Jumping Beandito was determined to make it North to the burning sands of the New Mexican Southwest. He had heard there were fellow Beanditos there, hiding out in orphanages waiting for young children to take them home. He himself had been without his family for as long as he could remember. Or at least since that last strong rain in May when he, his mom and his dad had split apart in that SEBASTIANA tree and went bouncing down a ravine. Remember all jumping beans come in a tripod, that's three pods together. After it rains in May, the pod matures and splits into three sections. The last thing he remembers is hearing his parents say, "Have a good life son, and don't forget to Jump"! It was a little bit of a struggle getting across the frontera (border). First he had to assure customs (aduana) that he was non-toxic, and of no harm to either plant or animal life. The agents were also worried about their blue wool trousers. Jumping Beandito had to swear that the day he emerged as a tiny gray LASPEYRESIA SALTITANS moth, that he would not eat a single bit of clothing, not ever (nunca). Having done that, he hopped merrily across the border to the small town of Nogales, where upon he had his first encounter with an interesting but rather ornery Mean Bean. Mean Bean was big, round and packed one heck of a hop. He wore a shinny red badge and a huge black sombrero (hat). Every time he jumped that big black mustache of his would jiggle. Mean Bean had been an orphan for just a week or two longer than Jumping Beandito, so he was more than happy to set out with a fellow frijol (bean). The twosome decided to hop a train to Silver City, New (Nuevo) Mexico. They were hopping as high as they could alongside an old narrow gauge train trying to make it onto the last speeding boxcar, when from out of the caboose shot a lasso so quick and so fast that they were lassoed, pulled into the train, set down with lightning speed and told to be quiet. There before their ojos (eyes) jumped the truly amazing Lariat Jane, rope and all. She had just left her orphanage hoping to make it North, to Santa Fe. She had been practicing her roping skills on telephone poles while riding on the train. All three Beanditos had a grand old time in that box car, laughing and jumping and practicing all kinds of new and exciting ways to bounce up and down and all around. They would hop on to the roof of the car to sun themselves and jump from car to car playing "Beandito Says" you know like "Simon Says"! They didn't need food, since each had it own seed inside the pod to munch on. And all they needed for water was a little mist every now and then, easily provided by the early morning dew. It was always nice to quite down at the end of the
día (day). Of course you know, a cool dark place is the perfect place for a Beandito to sleep and what cooler, darker place than a boxcar? The days sped by fast and before you know it, they were in Santa Fe. They jumped out of the boxcar, onto the platform and scooted their way on to the tracks. They had heard about a famous dancing Beandita! Anxious to hear her story and with their usual abandon, they began clicking their way across town. All of a sudden they heard a familiar and yet exotic sound. They followed that clicking up a long Canyon Road. It sounded like a Beandito, looked like a Beandita, but it was no ordinary Beandita. There, on a small stage, with a guitarist and singer, stomped Chiquita Beandita. Her footwork flying, dazzling the audience. Her hot pink boots tapping away with the most unusual foot work the Beanditos had ever seen. You see Chiquita had studied with the famous flamenco dancer Maria Beandita and there was no other bean like her. They shouted Ole, she immediately noticed their clicks and with pure bravado leaped from the stage to their table with a single jump. The night was filled with stories and tales of all their travel adventures. The four of them swore that very night to remain together forever, seeking out other Beanditos and new adventures. They made a pact to find children everywhere and make them laugh! They swore to remind adults of their lost childhoods, so that both young and old alike would always have something in common. |
Jumping Beandito, the leader. He is fast, sharp and full of mischievous plans. He seeks good in everyone and tries to bring this out with his fancy leaps and hilarious laughter. Everyone asks him for advice. He quotes famous people a lot. He is easy going and slow to anger. He loves to smell flowers. He is self educated and wears a lot of silver on his hat and belt. He jumps faster and farther than most beans because he is the original Beandito!
Lariat Jane, the cowgirl. She is the toughest cowgirl in the West. She lives off the fat of the land and communicates with animals. Because animals trust her, they tell her about the animal world. She know things most humans have forgotten and is always willing to share her stories. She rides like the wind and can lasso your smile in a heartbeat.
Mean Bean, the sherriff. He is the biggest, toughest, roundest, Beandito around. If he can't stare you down, then he'll jump till you burst a bubble. He keeps the other three in line when the jumping gets tough! The truth of the matter is, he is really a sweetheart! He wears his badge with pride, but is the most humble bean you would ever want to meet. Give him a smile and his heart will melt.
Chiquita Beandita, the renegade. Never afraid to make a mistake, is the renegade. Not one to dress like an ordinary bean, she likes to put on a show. Her
Jumping Beandito footwork is pretty amazing. It is said that she studied Flamenco. Her main job as a Beandito is to teach others how to be strong, persevere and never, never be afraid of failure. |